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Version: Config V2

ConfigCat SDK for Vue.js


As this is a community-maintained package, ConfigCat can't guarantee its stability, and safety and can't provide official customer support.

ConfigCat SDK for Vue.js on GitHub

Getting Started

1. Install the package

via npm

npm i configcat-vue

2. Import and use the ConfigCatPlugin with your SDK Key

In main.ts:

import { ConfigCatPlugin } from "configcat-vue";
app.use(ConfigCatPlugin, {
sdkKey: "YOUR-CONFIGCAT-SDK-KEY-GOES-HERE", // sdkKey is required

3. Get your setting value

This SDK includes a FeatureWrapper component. It enables users to control the visibility of specific parts within their Vue.js application (such as components or HTML elements) when the feature flag is enabled.

In any .vue component file:

<script setup lang="ts">

import { FeatureWrapper } from "configcat-vue";


Pass the feature flag key as a prop:

<div class="my-app">
<FeatureWrapper featureKey="YOUR-FEATURE-KEY-GOES-HERE">
<!-- This is displayed when the feature flag is turned on -->
<TheNewFeature />

Optionally, the FeatureWrapper component also provides an #else and #loading template. Components or HTML elements can be included within these templates that would display when the feature flag is turned off or loading respectively.

<TheNewFeature />
<template #else>
<!-- Displayed when the feature flag is turned off -->
<div class="feature-not-available-wrapper">
<p>Sorry, this feature is not available. Your feature flag is off.</p>
<template #loading>
<!-- Display while the feature flag is loading -->
<div class="loading-wrapper">

Advanced Usage

Specifying a polling mode

Polling modes are used to control how often ConfigCat's SDK client downloads the values of feature flags from ConfigCat's servers. The default polling mode is AutoPoll. Auto Polling fetches the latest feature flag values every 60 seconds by default. To change this, Specify a polling mode and set the polling interval (in seconds) via the pollingIntervalInSeconds property.


import { PollingMode } from "configcat-vue";

Add pollingMode to the ConfigCatPlugin options and set the polling interval via the clientOptions property:

app.use(ConfigCatPlugin, {
pollingMode: PollingMode.AutoPoll, // Optional. Default is AutoPoll
clientOptions: {
pollIntervalSeconds: 5 // Optional. Specify the polling interval in seconds. The default is 60 seconds.

pollingMode can be set to: PollingMode.AutoPoll, PollingMode.ManualPoll and PollingMode.LazyLoad

See documentation here.

Using the plugin with a logger

You may want to log the actions of the underlying ConfigCat SDK client. To do this, specify a logger in clientOptions:

See documentation here.

Add createConsoleLogger, and LoggerLevel to your import:

import { createConsoleLogger, LogLevel } from "configcat-vue"; 

Create the logger with a specified log level:

See documentation here.

Use the logger in clientOptions:

app.use(ConfigCatPlugin, {
sdkKey: "YOUR-CONFIGCAT-SDK-KEY-GOES-HERE", // // sdkKey is required
clientOptions: { // clientOptions is optional
// ...
logger: createConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Info),

Available log levels

OffNothing gets logged.
ErrorOnly error level events are logged.
WarnDefault. Errors and Warnings are logged.
InfoErrors, Warnings and feature flag evaluation is logged.
DebugAll of the above plus debug info is logged.

Specifying a User Object

The User Object stores attributes of a user in your application. It works hand in hand with ConfigCat's Targeting rules for targeting specific users with feature flags. A User Object can be passed as a prop to the FeatureWrapper component.

See documentation here.

Define the User Object:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { User } from 'configcat-vue';

// Define the User Object
const user = new User('[email protected]');
const userObject = ref<User>(user)


Pass it to the FeatureWrapper component:

<div class="my-app">
<FeatureWrapper featureKey="YOUR-FEATURE-KEY-GOES-HERE" :userObject="userObject">
<TheNewFeature />

Listening to flag changes emitted from the FeatureWrapper component

When a feature flag is toggled ON or OFF in the ConfigCat Dashboard the FeatureWrapper component emits the updated feature flag value. How quickly the updated value is emitted depends on the polling interval set in the clientOptions property of the ConfigCatPlugin.

Listen and handle changes using @flag-value-changed:

<div class="my-app">
<FeatureWrapper featureKey="YOUR-FEATURE-KEY-GOES-HERE" @flag-value-changed="handleFlagValueChange">
<TheNewFeature />
<script setup lang="ts">
// Handle to the flag value changes
const handleFlagValueChange = (flagValue: boolean) => {
console.log('Flag value changed to: ', flagValue);

Using the underlying ConfigCat client

This plugin exposes (provides) the underlying ConfigCat client. By injecting the provided client instance, you can use all the features it offers.

See documentation here.

One of the ways it can be used is by subscribing to events emitted by the ConfigCat client.

Inject the ConfigCat client into your component:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { inject, onBeforeMount } from 'vue';
import { FeatureWrapper } from "configcat-vue";

// Import the ConfigCat client interface
import type { IConfigCatClient } from 'configcat-vue';

// Inject the ConfigCat client
const configCatClient = inject<IConfigCatClient>('configCatClient');

onBeforeMount(() => {
// Subscribe to the events using the .on method of the ConfigCat SDK client
configCatClient?.on('flagEvaluated', () => {
console.log('Flag evaluated');

Sample Application

Look under the hood