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2 posts tagged with "testing production"

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· 10 min read
David Herbert

Software testing is crucial in software development as it ensures that a piece of software is bug-free and performs as expected, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the final product. This is especially true in the current fast-paced market climate, where delivering a high-quality, bug-free software experience that meets user expectations is paramount to success.

impact of feature flags

· 5 min read
David Herbert

Tests! They've been haunting us since our school days when even the mere mention of the word would send shivers down our spines and make us dream of a world without pop quizzes.

Well, guess what? The world of software development didn't get the memo! In fact, they've gone and upped the ante with a little something called "testing in production." Oh, the nightmare! It's like a horror movie where the monster lurking around the corner is a bug that slipped through QA!

no other option but to test in production