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16 posts tagged with "Amplitude"

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· 11 min read
Emil Kovačević

A/B tests are a powerful technique to optimize user experience and maximize player engagement in games. They allow for informed, data-driven decisions, ensuring that game developers can regularly refine and enhance gameplay mechanics, visuals, and other aspects of the game, ultimately leading to higher player satisfaction and increased success in the gaming industry.

Let's see how to execute such a test in a game created with Godot, using ConfigCat for feature flag management and Amplitude for analytics.

Godot AB Test Cover

· 9 min read
Roxana Halați

Releasing your digital product on the market is both an exciting and terrifying process. Whether you’ve created a mobile app or another type of software product, seeing it in the hands of real users is the ultimate achievement. But, simply building a wonderful product is not enough to ensure its long-term success. Over time, you’ll inevitably want to make changes and updates to your app.

But how can you be sure you’re making the right changes? It’s impossible to read your clients’ minds, but A/B testing might just be the next best thing. In this article, I’ll guide you through conducting an A/B test on an Android (Kotlin) application using ConfigCat’s feature flag management system and Amplitude.

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· 9 min read
Emil Kovačević

It has become very common to use e-commerce websites to conduct shopping. Today, e-commerce is a large and competitive market with many options for consumers to choose from. Because of this, E-Commerce companies need to find ways to differentiate themselves and retain customers. One popular method that companies use to improve their website's performance and drive up sales is to conduct A/B testing.

By doing A/B tests, businesses can test different versions of their web pages and app features to see which ones perform best with their audience.

A/B testing in .NET Cover photo

· 8 min read
Roxana Halați

Knowing what your customers expect is one of the most difficult challenges when developing a product. Your team may prefer a particular color scheme, whereas your customers may prefer a different one. Fortunately, even if you're updating as you go, you don't have to read customers’ minds.

Including A/B testing in your development process can help you ensure that you're always in sync with your customers and never have to second-guess your decisions. Furthermore, it is simple and inexpensive, and it has the potential to significantly improve the success of your work.

A/B testing in Java

· 9 min read
Zayyad Muhammad Sani

A/B testing answers the question: "Which of these versions will bring me better results, A or B?". It allows you to test two variations of a page to see which has a more positive impact. This could mean increased sign-ups for a landing page, more purchases on an e-commerce store, or even smoother user processes in an app. It all depends on what you want to improve. How does A/B testing work though?

A/B Testing Cover

· 9 min read
Chavez Harris

Have you ever rolled out a new feature only to discover it is problematic? Situations like this can be costly for your users and organization. Is there a way to avoid this? This is where A/B testing comes in handy. An A/B test involves releasing two variations of your app to a limited number of users to see how they react to them. As part of this process, metrics and feedback from each variation are collected to figure out which one is better.

feature flags ab testing in iOS cover

· 8 min read
Chavez Harris

Will showing the number of book copies sold on my website encourage more people to buy it? To answer this question confidently, I can rely upon A/B testing for guidance. This method of testing allows us to evaluate two versions of a website or app by releasing them to different user segments to see which one performs better.

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· 5 min read
Chavez Harris

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When it comes to releasing new features or changes in software, we can rely on A/B testing for making informed decisions. In this type of testing, we can measure the impact of the new change or feature on users before deciding to deploy it. By doing so, we can carefully roll out updates without negatively impacting user experience.

· 6 min read
Emil Kovačević

The world population continues to grow, and so does the number of house pets. While we all hope most of them have a good quality of life, some don't have a home. To combat this, we can make an animal care app. In this blog post, the app's objective is to increase the pet adoption rate. We will change the color of our call-to-action button and measure the click-through rate of each button version using A/B testing.


· 9 min read
Chavez Harris

Let's say your team has developed a new feature update and is planning to release it to the public. There can be some uncertainty and risk because it is hard to predict how users will react to the change. Will the new update have a negative impact and drive users away from the app? The best way to know for sure is to adopt an A/B testing approach by releasing it to a subset of users to measure its impact prior to making a full deployment. This gives you enough room to uncover bugs and refine the feature without disrupting the experience for everyone.

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